Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Rough Night

Not much time to write, but we had a bit of a rough night last  night. Things were going really well for a good while, longer than they had for months, and we were feeling better than we had in months, then out of the blue wifey was really upset at me. I know that she's stressed - the cat might be sick, we're trying to train our cat, she's picked up an extra job, and she's started an online business venture recently, all in addition to her busy and stressful teacher job.

We've still got our issues, one of which we've talked about a few times, and she wants me to bring it up to talk about, but I haven't. (Sorry to be cryptic, but I don't think it's appropriate to go into too much detail about us...). Anyway, the issues are there and we're working on them, and I've been focusing on comforting her when she's sad and being there for her emotionally and just let this other issue kind of fall through the cracks. She's obviously still been thinking about it (as I have), and all the extra stresses recently lowered the water level enough that our boat hit the rocks.

She didn't want to talk about it and was really angry at me for saying the same things I usually do that she's sick of. And that was the night. It's always hard to wake up and have her ignore me in the morning. It's hard to not get upset in return. It's hard to let emotion show and to deal with others emotions, esp since the family I grew up in didn't do that much. Marriage is just hard sometimes. I guess that's why they call it a developmental boot camp. What do I do? Keep trying to improve. Keep working on my weaknesses and issues. Keep trying to be patient and understanding. Keep developing, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry.
    This is really hard stuff. My husband and I are both in recovery and our marriage is really struggling.
