Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Up and down

Well, after a little while of feeling fabulous I woke up this morning and just kind of knew it was going to be a rough day... not temptation wise, but just in general. Funny how you can just feel it. Yeah, I'm kind of burned  out of my current medical rotation and my allergies are kicking my butt today, but what else is new? These are the days where the little things for some reason aren't so little. Accidentally dropping something or driving behind someone slow seems to have so much more weight than it did just yesterday. The water level is lower and I'm just hitting more rocks even though the daily things are the same.

It's funny how these days come around, and how it feels like everything is going wrong when it really isn't. It's just an interesting thing. Cause tomorrow, or the next day, or real soon, I'll feel fine. And I won't get upset when I throw something and it doesn't go in the garbage.

Until then, I'll go to group and bond with the boys, and not spiral downward into depression, because tomorrow will be a better day. And if not, the next day will be. Just keep the nose to the grindstone. Whine-session concluded.


  1. Those days are so hard to get through. Something is wrong and… we don't know what. But tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better one. :)

  2. I love this. It reminds me of what my Stake President said to me once "The Lord will let the wind blow on your branches to strengthen your roots"... and that seems to be what is happening for you right now. It's awesome when we come to recognize the opposition, and even a sweeter moment when we finally trust that it WILL actually end. :-)
