Saturday, December 14, 2013

Under the stars

Looks like it's been a while - recovery has been going quite well for us. It's taken a long time, but we're slowly but surely moving forward and we feel better than ever. And I'm so glad. Daily struggles still happen. I am still faced with decisions daily that could lead down the wrong path. They aren't near as severe as they used to be, they are much simpler: whether or not I'm going to pick up the trash I dropped, whether I'll tell the truth in things of lesser consequence, keeping the rules we've set about media use, whether or not I will linger on a magazine or someone around me, etc. Pornography and things of more severe consequence are hardly a temptation for me any more, and I believe it's because God has blessed me in my diligence in being honest and diligent in the small things successfully for a while now.

Anyway, on an unrelated note I went camping last night with the young men of my ward and had a great time. The best part of the trip happened when no one else was around. I had a tent in my car but decided to sleep out under the stars instead (mainly out of sheer laziness). It was about 30 degrees outside, so it was a little cold, and I bundled in my sleeping bag best I could (I was still cold most the night).

Coincidentally, there was also a meteor shower last night that was supposed to hit its max meteors/hour at 4 am. So I set my alarm for 4 and woke up to watch the show. As I laid there in my bag waiting for one meteor after another, I thought a lot about letting things go. I found my mind running off to things. Bad things I've done. Things I'm stressed about. Songs that get stuck in my head, etc. One by one I put each of those aside, mentally telling myself "I'm not thinking about those things now." I just focused on the moment and where I was. And it was really awesome.

This might sound kind of cheesy but on the way home today I started noticing little things about my surroundings that I go by each day. Landscapes I haven't looked at, buildings I haven't seen... it kind of looked like a new place. Nothing fancy to say about it. I just liked it and I hope I can find more opportunities to slow down, put all the worries out of my mind, and just watch and be. Hopefully in a little warmer weather next time.


  1. I love watching the stars. It always bring such peace and awe about God's creations.

  2. That sounds so awesome!!! I love meteor showers! I've been noticing a lot of things around me as well. Sometimes I even have to force myself, especially when I feel hurried or impatient (typically while driving). I make myself look around and I've noticed such fun things that I never knew were there before! Cool stuff. :)

  3. Nate you are my hero. Seriously, if it wasn't for guys like you who have been through hell, and are finding a way out...i would have given up a long time ago...and i'd probably be in prison or dead by now.

    Ah the past. it never seems to leave us alone. Glad to see you surrender it away.

    1. thanks man - you're pretty inspiring too. hope things are going well for you
